Reunion of 55ers in July 2010

old boys

Martin Timms sent me this picture of a reunion of the '55ers, which resulted in 22 old boys meeting up in the Harcourt Arms just around the corner from the school, on the 8th of July 2010. If you hold the pointer over any figure in the picture a name will appear. If you click on that person you can write about him or send a message telling me that I have messed up the identity. These are the boys who started at the school in 1955. Photo by Colin Bosley.

Martin Timms writes Having organised the reunion, for those who joined in 1955 or subsequently, we have identified 90 plus boys in the cohort, but only have contact details for about 40, plus we are aware of about a dozen who have passed away unfortunately. If we have not been in touch in the first half of 2010, perhaps you could send me a note to make sure you get the invitation to next reunion? I look forward to hearing from you -- my e-mail is